North Beach Poetry Nights
in BK's Winebar,
Spanish Parade, Galway
Thursday January 18th 2007. 9pm
MC for the evening is Elaine Feeney.
This touring group of 3 female and 2 male poets follow on their
2006 successful tour of Australia with a poetry tour of Ireland,
taking in Cork, Limerick, Galway, Dublin, Derry and Belfast.
The touring poets, Phatbob, Aisling Doherty, Chelley Mclear, Ellen Factor and Gordon Hewitt emerged from the various open mic nights held over the last few years in Belfast and the Sunday Session performance spaces in Derry.
Gordon Hewitt, spokesperson for the Belfast Poets Touring Group says,
“Too often we get told that poetry is something that people cannot get into, that it can’t be accessible or easily understood. We write about the world in which we live. We comment on Iraq, Lebanon, racism, paramilitarism, policing and the Peace Process, but we also write about everyday experiences, love, relationships, clubbing, even shopping, so that our show has something for everyone. Last year we were equally successful performing to other writers and performance poets at Festivals as well as working class pubs in places like Darwin or Perth, We want what we do to be powerful poetry but which anyone can enjoy. “
The North Beach Poetry Nights Slam follows the usual format.Please bring along two three minute (max.) pieces for Round 1 and 2 of the slam.North Beach Poetry Nights especially welcomes newcomers to take thestage.The prize is the honour and a bottle of red wine generously donated by BK's Winebar. Location: BK's Winebar, Spanish
Parade, Galwayat 9pm. Admission: 4 Euro
Coming Events:
February 15th
Guest Poet: KEVIN HIGGINS MC: Gary King
March 15th
Guest Poet: MAIGHREAD MEDBH MC: Trish Casey
April 26th
North Beach Poetry Nights special Pre-Cúirt Grand Slam event
with performances by the 4 former Cúirt Grand Slam winners
and the 2007 competitors.
MC: Brendan Murphy
May 24th
MC: John Walsh
NBPN gratefully acknowledges the support of Poetry Ireland and Galway City Council.
Info: John Walsh at 091-593290