Over The Edge New Writer of the Year sponsored by Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop, Bank of Ireland, Kelly Office Supplies and Des & Mary Kavanagh
The Over The Edge New Writer of The Year 2008 competition is open to both poets and fiction writers. The winner will receive a cash prize of €600, a spot as a Featured Reader at an Over The Edge: Open Reading, and the title Over The Edge New Writer of The Year 2008. The runner-up will receive a cash prize of €300, while the third-placed writer will receive €100.
Entries should be sent to Over The Edge, New Writer of the Year competition, 3 Carbry Road, Newcastle, Galway, Ireland with an accompanying SAE.
Entries will be judged anonymously, so do not put your name on your poem(s) or story. Put your contact details on a separate sheet.
Criteria: fiction of up to three thousand words, three poems of up to forty lines, or one poem of up to one hundred lines. Entries longer than these will be disqualified. Multiple entries are acceptable but each entry must be accompanied by a €15 fee and an SAE. Fee payable by cheque or money order to Over The Edge. All entries must be typed.
To take part you must be at least sixteen years old by August 1st 2008 and not have a book published or accepted for publication. Chapbooks excepted. Poems and stories entered in the competition must not have been previously published.
THE CLOSING DATE IS AUGUST 1ST 2008. A shortlist of eight will be announced in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on Wednesday, August 20th, 2008. The Over The Edge New Writer of The Year 2008 will be announced at the Over The Edge reading in Galway City Library on Thursday, September 25th, 2008. The winner will be a Featured Reader at a reading to be scheduled in Galway City Library in Winter 07/08.
For further details contact Over The Edge on 087-6431748 or e-mail over-the-edge-openreadings@hotmail.com