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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Twelfth Annual Over The Edge Fiction Slam with Una Mannion & Alvy Carragher

 Over The Edge presents its twelfth annual fiction slam with Featured Readers, Alvy Carragher and Una Mannion, on Zoom on Friday, April 9th, starting 8pm sharp.

Alvy Carragher

Alvy Carragher grew up in rural Ireland and considered herself a writer long before it was appropriate. She has an MA in Writing from NUI Galway, and her first collection of poems, Falling In Love With Broken Things was published by Salmon Poetry in 2016; her follow up The Men I Keep Under My Bed will be published by Salmon this year. Her debut novel The Cantankerous Molly Darling was published by Chicken House Books in 2019. A former resident of both Louisiana and South Korea, she is currently holed up in Vancouver where she is tinkering away at a second novel and learning to speak Canadian. Alvy was a Featured Reader at the February 2014 Over The Edge: Open Reading and at the 2015 Cúirt / Over The Edge New Writers’ Showcase.


                                                                Una Mannion

Una Mannion was born in Philadelphia and now lives in County Sligo, Ireland with her husband and three children A CROOKED TREE is her first novel and was published by Faber & Faber in 2020. Una has an MA in Writing from NUI Galway and was a Featured Reader at the May 2016 Over The Edge: Open Reading and at the 2017 Cúirt / Over The Edge New Writers’ Showcase.

The first twelve fiction writers to text Kevin Higgins on 087-6431748 or email on the evening of Friday, April 9th and register will be guaranteed a place in the slam. All participating writers should prepare two pieces of their own fiction, as there are two rounds. The time limit in both rounds is five minutes. Extracts from longer stories are admissible. Stories do not have to be memorised. The Fiction Slam will be judged by a three person jury made up of Alvy Carragher, Una Mannion and an audience member. Three writers will go through to the second round and the prize for the winner is two bottles of excellent wine, one read, one white, and a most delicious box of chocolates, which will be delivered to you.

Over The Edge is inviting you to the April 2021 Fiction Slam on Zoom. Friday, April 9th, 8pm sharp.

Join The Over The Edge Zoom Meeting at

Meeting ID: 738 901 3549

There is no entrance fee. All welcome. For further information contact 087-6431748.

Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of the Arts Council, Poetry Ireland and Galway City Council.

Sunday, March 07, 2021

March Over The Edge: Open Reading on Zoom with Helen Ivory, Bill Richardson, Sadhbh Goodwin PLUS open-mic

Helen Ivory

The March ‘Over The Edge: Open Reading’ takes place on Zoom on Thursday, March 25th  at the usual Over The Edge time 6.30-8.00pm (local Galway time). The Featured Readers are Sadhbh Goodwin, Bill Richardson, & Helen Ivory. There will, as always at Over The Edge: Open Readings, be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are always especially welcome at the open-mic. Anyone interested in taking part in the open-mic should text Kevin Higgins on 087-6431748 or email between 6pm and 6.30pm on the evening of the reading. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars.

Sadhbh Goodwin is a nineteen year old poet from Galway. Their poetry has been published in the Wild Words anthology (four years in a row), in VoxGalvia, and Cinders magazine, and was also featured on as poem of the week. They write in both Irish and English, and their poem “Oidhreacht” was featured on the #WEARETHEPOETS poetry jukebox in Dublin. They have performed before in the “Over the Edge" open mic, as well as the “In my Orbit" open mic at the Galway Arts centre. They are currently studying English in UCC.

Bill Richardson is from Dublin and lives in Galway. Currently Emeritus Professor in Spanish at the National University of Ireland Galway, he previously taught Spanish at both second and third levels and has published books and articles on Spanish and Latin American culture. He has attended Creative Writing courses run by Susan DuMars and has participated in a poetry workshop at the Irish Writers’ Centre. His poems have appeared in Vox Galvia and The Galway Review, as well as in the Stony Thursday Book No. 17. His poem ‘The Taking of Caravaggio’ was a runner-up in the Fish Poetry Prize Competition 2020.   

Helen Ivory is a British poet and visual artist living in Norwich. Her fifth Bloodaxe collection is The Anatomical Venus (2019).  She edits the poetry webzine Ink Sweat and Tears and teaches creative writing online for the University of East Anglia/WCN. A book of her mixed media poems Hear What the Moon Told Me is published by KFS, and chapbook Maps of the Abandoned City by SurVision.  She has work translated into Polish and Ukrainian as part of the Versopolis project.

Over The Edge is inviting you to the March Over The Edge: Open Reading on Zoom. Thursday, March 25th, 6.30-8pm

Join The Over The Edge Zoom Meeting at

Meeting ID: 738 901 3549

As usual there will be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are always particularly welcome. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.

Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of Galway City Council, Poetry Ireland & The Arts Council.