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Friday, February 22, 2019

Spring Beginners & Intermediate Creative Writing Classes at Galway Technical Institute BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW

Creative Writing for Beginners with Kevin Higgins takes place one evening per week (Monday) from 7-9.30pm (8 weeks). It commences on Monday, April 1st, 2019. Advance booking is essential. Places cost €120. Kevin Higgins will provide writing exercises for, and give gentle critical feedback to, those interested in trying their hand at writing stories, poems, or memoir.

Intermediate Creative Writing with Susan Millar DuMars takes place one evening per week (Tuesday) from 7-9.30pm (8 weeks) with a mid-term break. It commences on Tuesday, April 9th, 2019. Advance booking is essential. Places cost €120. This class is suitable for those who’ve participated in creative writing classes before or begun to have work published in magazines. Flexible exercises and work-shopping of assignments, together with the study of the works of published writers, will help each class member to find their own writing voice.

YOU CAN ALSO BOOK in person at Galway Technical Institute, Monday-Friday, (10am-4.30pm).

For further information contact Galway Technical Institute, Father Griffin Road, Galway, phone 091-581342 or email or see

Sunday, February 17, 2019

February Over The Edge Open Reading with Claire Hennessy, Aisling Keogh, & Pauline McNamee

Claire Hennessy

The February ‘Over The Edge: Open Reading’ takes place in Galway City Library on Thursday, February 28th, 6.30-8.00pm. The Featured Readers are Claire Hennessy, Aisling Keogh, & Pauline McNamee. There will as usual be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are always especially welcome at the open-mic. 

Pauline McNamee is a writer, teacher and writing workshop facilitator. She lives near the village of Rhode, County Offaly. She recently completed an MA in Writing from NUIG. Her poetry is published in the Bay Area Writing Project’s Digital Paper. She will have an essay and poem published in the spring 2019 series of the UK publication English in Education. Pauline was a finalist in the 2018 Cúirt Spoken Word Platform, highly commended in the fiction category of the 2018 Over The Edge New Writer of the Year, shortlisted for the Fish short story prize and longlisted for the Fish poetry prize. She is completing her first novel and working on her first collection of poetry.

Aisling Keogh is a psychotherapist and a stay at home mother to three young children. Her short stories have been published with The Irish Independent, Crannog Magazine, Wordlegs, Ropes, Bangor Literary Journal and A New Ulster. Her first published short story, "How to Save a Life," was shortlisted for the Hennessy Irish Literary Awards in 2011. She finished writing her first novel in 2018, was recently shortlisted for the Doolin Writers’ Weekend short story prize, and is currently submitting her novel to agents and publishers. In her free time Aisling likes to sing and play the guitar badly.

Claire Hennessy lives in Dublin and is the author of several YA (young adult) novels, most recently Nothing Tastes As Good & Like Other Girls (Hot Key Books). She co-edits BANSHEE literary journal, which appears twice a year.

As usual there will be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are always particularly welcome. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.

Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of Galway City Council, Poetry Ireland & The Arts Council.