June Over The Edge Writers’ Gathering presents an exciting variety of
poetry from Galway, Tipperary and Australia. There will be readings by Anne
Casey, Nathanael O’Reilly, & Eleanor Hooker PLUS a celebration of the first
ten issue of Galway-based poetry newspaper Skylight 47 DETAILS TO
The event will take place on Friday, June 29th, 8pm
at The Kitchen @ The Museum, Spanish Arch, Galway. All are welcome. There
is no cover charge.
Anne Casey is
originally from Clare and now lives in Sydney. Her poems have appeared
internationally in newspapers, magazines, journals, anthologies, podcasts,
broadcasts, videos, music albums, a stage show and an international art
exhibition. Her debut poetry collection, where the lost things go was published
to much acclaim by Salmon Poetry in 2017. She has won or been shortlisted for
poetry awards in Ireland, Northern Ireland, the USA, UK, Canada and Australia.
Over a 25-year career, Anne has worked as a business journalist, magazine
editor, media communications director and legal author. Further information:
Twitter: @1annecasey.

was born and raised in Australia. He has travelled on five continents and spent
extended periods in England, Ireland, Germany, Ukraine and the United States,
where he currently resides. His poems have appeared in journals and anthologies
in ten countries, including Antipodes, Australian Love Poems, Cordite, FourW,
Glasgow Review of Books, LiNQ, Mascara, Postcolonial Text, Snorkel, Tincture,
Transnational Literature, Verity La and The Newcastle Poetry Prize Anthology
2017. O’Reilly is the recipient of an Emerging Writers Grant from the
Literature Board of the Australia Council for the Arts. He is the author of
Preparations for Departure (UWAP Poetry, 2017), named one of the “2017 Books of
the Year” in Australian Book Review; Distance (Picaro Press, 2014; Ginninderra
Press, 2015); and the chapbooks Cult (Ginninderra Press, 2016), Suburban Exile
(Picaro Press, 2011) and Symptoms of Homesickness (Picaro Press, 2010). He was
the writer-in-residence at Booranga Writers’ Centre in May 2017.

Eleanor Hooker is a poet
and writer. She lives in North Tipperary with her husband Peter, they have two
sons. Her second poetry collection, A Tug of Blue (Dedalus
Press) was published October 2016. In 2013 her debut, The Shadow Owner's
Companion (Dedalus Press) was shortlisted for the Strong/Shine Award for Best First Irish collection from 2012. Eleanor is founder of
the Rowan Tree Readings, a reading series that will feature international
poets and authors. The series begins June 2018. Her poetry has been
published in Ireland and internationally: in the UK, USA, Germany, Poland,
Romania, India and Hungary, and in literary journals including: POETRY
(Chicago), PN Review, Poetry Ireland Review, AGENDA Poetry, The
Stinging Fly, The SHOp, The Moth, The Irish Times, The Irish Examiner, Crannóg,
POEM: International English Language Quarterly, Cyphers. Online, her poems have
been published at Southword, New Dublin Press, And Other Poems, Poethead, Ink
Sweat and Tears, The Ofi Press, The Pickled Body, Public Pool and broadcast on
RTÉ Radio One. Eleanor has read her poetry at literary events in Ireland, USA
(Pittsburgh, Washington), India (Mumbai International Literary Festival) and
Hungary (Budapest).
Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing
financial support of the Arts Council,
Poetry Ireland, and Galway City Council.