The January ‘Over The Edge: Open
Reading’ takes place in Galway City Library on Thursday, January 18th,
6.30-8.00pm. The Featured Readers are Nicola Geddes, Edna Faye Kiel, &
Martina Evans. This reading
marks the fifteenth anniversary of the first Over The Edge reading in Galway
City Library.
from Scotland, Nicola Geddes studied
Environmental Art at the Glasgow School of Art, and Cello Performance at the
London College of Music. She has been based in County Galway for the past
twenty five years, where she works as a cellist and music tutor. To date her
poetry has been published in Crannog, the Galway Review, and Skylight 47. In
2017 Nicola’s poems received a Special Commendation from the Patrick Kavanagh
Edna Faye Kiel has lived in Killaspuglonane,
County Clare for many years but is originally from the United States. She
writes fiction and has been a participant in both the North Clare Writers’
Workshop and Susan Millar DuMars’ advanced fiction writing classes. Edna’s work
has been published in The Stoney Thursday Book, Stinging Fly, Books
Ireland, The Cuirt Journal, and inCognito in Ireland;
in Rosebud and Ellipsis in the U.S.; London Magazine and
Staple:New Writing in the U.K.; Jaam Tracks and Takahe in New
Zealand; and imago and Famous Reporter in Australia. Edna is married to the poet Knute Skinner. In 2017 she was shortlisted
for 2017 Over The Edge New Writer of The Year.
Martina Evans |
Martina Evans was born in 1961,
the youngest of ten children, and grew up in County Cork in a
country pub, shop and petrol station. After training as a radiographer
in Dublin she moved to London in 1988. Her first collection of poems, The
Inniscarra Bar and Cycle Rest, appeared in 1995 and was followed by three
further collections, All Alcoholics are Charmers (1998),
Can Dentists Be Trusted? (2004) and Facing the Public (2009).
She teaches Creative Writing at the City Literary Institute and Birkbeck College.
She is also the author of three novels: Midnight Feast
(1996), The Glass Mountain (1997), No Drinking No Dancing No
Doctors (2000) and the prose-poem/novella Petrol
(2012). The Windows of Graceland: New& Selected Poems was published by Carcanet, to wide critical and
popular acclaim, in 2016; Martina’s next collection of poems Now We Can Talk Openly About Men will be
out from Carcanet in May. She lives in London with her daughter.
As usual
there will be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers
are always especially welcome. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar
DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.
Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of Galway
City Council, Poetry Ireland, & The Arts Council.
N.B. we were delighted to learn just before Christmas that Over The Edge is to receive a more than 20% increase in its Arts Council funding for 2018, our highest level of funding ever. Happy New Year!