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Friday, October 26, 2012

November 'Over The Edge: Open Reading' with Mary Noonan, Fiona Scoble & Dave Donovan PLUS The Abandoned Darlings

Mary Noonan whose debut collection of poems The Fado House
was published by Dedalus Press earlier this year.

Fiona Scoble, Dave Donovan & Mary Noonan for November Over The Edge: Open Reading PLUS a sneak preview reading from by the MA in Writing Class of 2011/12 from their forthcoming anthology The Abandoned Darlings.

The November‘Over The Edge: Open Reading’ takes place in Galway City Library on Thursday, November 15th, 6.30-8.00pm. The Featured Readers are Mary Noonan, Dave Donovan & Fiona Scoble. There will as usual be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are especially welcome.

Fiona Scoble was born in Kent and now lives in Galway, working as an artist and illustrator. She studied English at Cambridge University and went on to be a documentary researcher for Maximum Exposure Productions, driving from England to India in a London taxi. She has also worked as a journalist. In 2011 her short non-fiction children’s book, Bright Minds in the “Dark Ages”, was published by CE4CE as a teaching resource. She recently attended creative writing classes at Galway Technical Institute and as a result joined the “Java Writers” in publishing a collection of short stories, entitled Infusions, to be launched this December. Fiona was longlisted in the 2012 Over The Edge New Writer of the Year Competition.

Dave Donovan was born in Dublin. His family moved between Ireland the USA and Zambia before settling in Galway in the early seventies. Apart from a few brief sojourns in other jurisdictions he has lived here since then. He has worked in the fields of residential care, intellectual disability and community arts. Currently he is undertaking graduate studies in Applied Social Studies in NUI Maynooth. He has been attending poetry workshops in the Arts Centre with Kevin Higgins since early 2011. More latterly he has been associated with the Tuesday Nights and their upcoming publication Wayword Tuesdays. He has read at the open mic space at Over the Edge readings. Poems he finds either while cycling, walking or sometimes sleeping.

Mary Noonan lives in Cork, where she works as a lecturer in French literature at University College Cork.. Her poems have appeared in The Dark Horse, The Stinging Fly, Southword, The SHOp, Cyphers, Blackbox Manifold, BigCityLit, Wasafiri, Tears in the Fence, The Moth, The Echo Room, The Same, The Cork Literary Review, The Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2010, Best of Irish Poetry 2010, and The Threepenny Review (Summer 2012). She won the Listowel Poetry Collection Prize in 2010. Her first collection – The Fado House – was published by Dedalus Press, Dublin in 2012.

As usual there will be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished THIS WILL INCLUDE a sneak preview reading by the MA in Writing Class of 2011/12 from their forthcoming anthology The Abandoned Darlings . New readers are always most welcome at the open-mic. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.

Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of Galway City Council & The Arts Council.

Donate to Over The Edge

Thursday, October 25, 2012

North Beach Poetry Nights: Galway Launch of '30 under 30' anthology

North Beach Poetry Nights

Monday 12th November in The Crane Bar, Sea Road, Galway at the very NEW TIME of 6.30 pm with the Galway Launch by John Corless of the wordlegs/Doire Press
30 under 30 fiction anthology.

Special guests reading from the anthology:
Elizabeth Reapy (editor),
Joe Jennings,
Cal Doyle
and Kerrie O'Brien
(winner of the 2012 Arena flash fiction prize.)
Kerrie will  read her winning story, That Night.

30 under 30 anthology available @ 

Poets wishing to enter the Slam on the night need 2 max. three minutes poems.

The prize for the winner is a bottle of wine and entry to the North Beach Grand Slam in December.

This is the last slam before the December Grand Slam

- last chance to enter.

Door: Free Admission

Info: John @091/593290

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shore Writers' Festival at the Ocean Sands Hotel, Enniscrone, County Sligo

The first Shore Writers' Festival takes place on the first weekend of November at the Ocean Sands Hotel, Enniscrone, County Sligo. This most innovative festival is particulary aimed at young writers and is the brainchild of Elizabeth Reapy.

Galway writers Kevin Higgins and John Walsh will be in conversation with each other on the Saturday afternoon of the festival (2.30pm, November 3rd).

Later that evening there will be a reading by Doire Press writers and Susan Millar DuMars will launch the anthology 30 under 30, published by Doire Press, which showcases the work of thirty fiction writers all of whom are under thirty years of age.

You can see the festival's Facebook page here 
and the full programme of events for the weekend here

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October Over The Edge: Open Reading with Aoibheann McCann, Patrick Chapman & Cormac Culkeen

Patrick Chapman

The October ‘Over The Edge: Open Reading’ takes place in Galway City Library on Thursday, October 25th, 6.30-8.00pm. The Featured Readers are Patrick Chapman, Aoibheann McCann & Cormac Culkeen. There will as usual be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are especially welcome.

Cormac Culkeen is a writer of poetry, fiction and short stories from Dunmore, Co. Galway. He discovered the power of the written word in National School when he wrote a poem and his teacher stopped threatening him because of it. He has two dogs who obey nobody else when he's at home and a family who keep at him to better himself. Some years ago his work was published in The Burning Bush literary magazine. He lives and works in Galway and has recently been attending creative writing classes at Galway Technical Institute.

Aoibheann McCann is a native of County Donegal. She moved to Galway in 1992 where she attended NUI Galway. She published her first poem in 1995 in The Edge and went on to write the ‘Blow-In’s Guide to Galway’ column in Galway Xposed, followed by the ‘Let’s Talk About…’ column in The Galway Independent. She has been working on her first novel, ‘Hippocampus’, for the past eight years.

Patrick Chapman was born in 1968. He lives in Dublin. His poetry collections are Jazztown (Raven Arts Press, Dublin, 1991), The New Pornography (Salmon Poetry), Breaking Hearts and Traffic Lights (Salmon Poetry, 2007), A Shopping Mall on Mars (BlazeVOX [Books], Buffalo, 2008) and The Darwin Vampires (Salmon Poetry, 2010). His collection of short stories is The Wow Signal (Bluechrome, UK, 2007). Also a scriptwriter, he adapted his own published story for Burning the Bed (2003). Directed by Denis McArdle, this award-winning film starred Gina McKee and Aidan Gillen. He has written episodes of the children’s animated television series Garth & Bev (Kavaleer, 2009); and a Doctor Who audio play, Fear of the Daleks (Big Finish, 2007). His story ‘A Ghost’ won first prize in the Cinescape Genre Literary Competition. In 2010 his work was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Patrick’s latest collection of poetry A Promiscuity of Spines: New & Selected Poems is just published by Salmon Poetry.

As usual there will be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are always most welcome. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.

Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of Galway City Council & The Arts Council.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Free Slam Poetry Workshops with Dave Lordan for TY/Senior English students

 Calling all performers, poets, writers and lyricists!

To tie in with IFI Educations schools screening of We are Poets ( ), Poetry Ireland in collaboration with the IFI are offering a number of FREE WORKSHOPS to 12 lucky participants, between the ages of 15 and 18, who are interested in learning the art of slam poetry.

These high-energy slam poetry workshops will be led by award-winning poet and spoken word performer, Dave Lordan. The participants will learn about performance, writing and the art of slam poetry, and work towards a live performance which will take place on Dec 12th after the screening We are Poets.

If you would like to take part, please email and tell us why or send in an example of your work.

E: or contact Dee or Elaine on 01 6795744 for more information.

Open to individual students. Places limited.
Closing date Nov 12th.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Special Over The Edge: Open Reading as part of festival of creative writing for people with intellectual disabilities

 A special Over The Edge: Open Reading as part of the Away with Words festival of creative writing for people with intellectual disabilities will take place on Thursday, October 18th, 6.30-8pm in Galway City Library. All are welcome to attend.

Away with Words is an innovative arts project which enables people with intellectual disabilities to explore and develop their creativity through writing. At this year’s Cúirt International Festival, Salmon Poetry launched Jessica Casey and Other Works, a rich collection of stories and poems full of heart, humor and fun - by Away with Words writers. For more about Jessica Casey and Other Works see   

The evening will see readings of their work by the Away with Words writers. They will be assisted in presenting their work by their creative writing tutors Mary Madec, Kevin Higgins & Susan Millar DuMars.

VENUE: GALWAY CITY LIBRARY 6.30 – 8pm, Thursday, October 18th FOR FURTHER DETAILS PHONE 087-6431748 or 091-721436.

Away with Words warmly acknowledges the support of the Brothers of Charity, Galway City VEC, Galway City Council & The Arts Council.