Friday, July 17, 2020

Over The Edge presents the Zoom launch by Jane Robinson of issue 13 of Skylight 47

Over The Edge presents issue 13 of Skylight 47 “possibly Ireland's most interesting poetry publication”, edited by Bernie Crawford, Nicki Griffin, & Ruth Quinlan. The issue includes a wide range of poems, reviews of poetry collections, and a poetry master class in which an established poet makes detailed editing suggestions for a poem submitted to them anonymously. The launch will be include readings by contributors of their poems and the issue will be launched by award-winning poet Jane Robinson who will also read some of her own poems.

Jane Robinson

Jane Robinson's Journey to the Sleeping Whale - published by Salmon - won the Shine-Strong Award in 2019.  She is a previous recipient of the Strokestown International Poetry Award and the Red Line Book Festival Poetry Prize, and was runner-up in the 2019 Gingko Ecopoetry competition. Her recorded readings have been broadcast on RTÉ's Lyric FM, the Poetry Programme, the Poetry Jukebox, and the Poetry Ireland podcast series. She was the Irish Writers' Centre 2019 Writer in Residence in Norway. Her recent collaborations include a music drama for children, and a short poetry film called Orchard Diary of our Undoing.  

Join the Over The Edge Zoom meeting at
Meeting ID: 738 901 3549
 6.30pm, Thurs, July 23rd

Make sure you have your copy of Skylight 47 for the launch by buying a copy in advance here
The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.

Over The Edge acknowledges the ongoing generous financial support of Galway City Council, Poetry Ireland & The Arts Council.