Mike McCormack
After the huge success of the Over The Edge showcase reading at the Cuirt Festival in April, the May ‘Over The Edge: Open Reading’ will take place on Thursday, May 25th, 6.30-8pm in Galway City Library. This month’s Featured Readers – Mike McCormack, Jan Schlegel & Mags Treanor - are all fiction writers.
Mike McCormack is a Mayo-man and was born in 1965. He studied English and philosophy at UCG, as it was then, and has published three books, Getting it in the Head, 1996 - a collection of short stories – and two novels Crowe's Requiem, 1998 and Notes from a Coma, 2005. For the last three years he has been writer in residence at NUI Galway and is currently finishing a book of short stories.
Jan Schlegel grew up in the north of Germany. She currently lives in Galway City, where she works as a translator. She writes short-stories and is a regular contributor to the monthly Fiction Clinic, facilitated by Susan Millar DuMars. A chapbook of Jan’s short-stories, One to Five, was published last year by Over The Edge. Her work has also been published in Stories From The Half-Lit Hours – the Fiction Clinic Chapbook.
Mags Treanor writes prose, short stories and slam poetry. She is currently working on an autobiographical novel, Girl Racer. Her work has been published in The Cuirt Annual, anthologised by New Island Press, and broadcast on RTE Radio. In her spare time Mags works as a business consultant, single-handedly parents three young children and takes leisurely strolls on the Prom.
There will be an open-mic when the Featured Readers have finished. This is open to anyone who has a poem or story to share. New readers are always welcome. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details contact 087-6431748.
Over The Edge acknowledges the financial support of Galway City Council